PCI compliance

We make compliance easier for you by offering integrated payment gateway

We make PCI compliance a breeze

In the ecommerce business, there’s nothing you want less than the credit companies giving you the side-eye due to lax security practices. Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance requires merchants to safeguard their customers’ payment card information through policies and procedures, software design and network architecture. Fail to meet these requirements and you could get slapped with large fines and even lose your payment-processing capabilities.

Adobe is PCI certified as a Level 1 Solution Provider, which simplifies the certification process for merchants using Adobe Commerce. You’re still responsible for certifying your store, but we make the process easier. In addition to providing a pre-certified infrastructure, we offer integrated payment gateways that let you securely transmit credit card data via direct post API methods or with hosted payment forms. You can give your customers a seamless checkout experience without storing any sensitive data on the Adobe application server.

See what makes it work

Network security
Configure a firewall that protects cardholder data and that doesn’t use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters.

Strong access control measures
Restrict access to cardholder data on a business need-to-know basis by assigning a unique ID to each person with computer access and controlling physical access to cardholder data.

Vulnerability management
Develop and maintain secure systems and applications and keep your anti-virus software up to date.

Protection for cardholder data
Protect stored cardholder data and encrypt any cardholder data that gets transmitted across open, public networks.

Regularly monitored and tested networks
Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data and regularly test your security systems and processes.

Information security policy
Maintain a policy that addresses information security.

More info on PCI compliance in Adobe Commerce

Stay up to date on PCI compliance

Find the latest information about how to comply with credit industry regulations on the PCI Security Standards Council website.


Learn how Adobe handles compliance

Find out how we’re working to comply with industry standards and regulations, so your data is safe and sound.

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