Boost Your Online Business with Our Shopify Implementation Package

Starting an online shop? Worried about Shopify cost? Relax! We're here with our Shopify Implementation Package designed for your needs and budget. Let's make your journey to online success easy and smooth.

You might think Shopify price can be a big hurdle. But don't worry! Our services are full of value. With us, you can start your online store without emptying your wallet. We're focused on reducing your Shopify website cost while boosting your store's performance.

Why Choose Our Shopify Implementation Package?

Easy Setup

We do all the tech stuff like setting up and installing Shopify. That means you can focus more on running your business.

Personalized Store

We make your online store match your brand. This enhances the look and feel of your store and makes it memorable for customers.

Great for Mobile

Our themes work well on all devices. This means your customers can shop easily, no matter what device they use. And you get more sales!


We organize your products and categories to make browsing easy. This helps your customers find what they want quickly and increases chances they'll buy.

Safe Payments

We integrate trusted payment gateways. Your customers can check out smoothly and securely.

No Operational Hassles

We handle shipping and tax details. This makes managing your business easier.

Safe and Secure

We use top-notch security measures to protect your site and customer data. Your customers will feel safe shopping at your store.

We Support You

Once your Shopify store is set, we don't just leave you. We provide training and ongoing support to help you run your store effectively.

Our package is not just about low Shopify cost. It's about helping your business grow online. So, put your Shopify price worries aside and get ready for success.

Get in touch today to learn more about our package. Let's start your journey to online success together.

Shopify Packages Comparison

The orientation packages should give you an overview of our services and prices. We are also at your disposal to develop a tailor-made solution according to your requirements. Our experienced team will work closely with you to understand the objectives and offer you the best options. Please contact us to receive an individual offer!

Not Included


900 €Net

One-time payment

Smart Solution for interested Parties with prior Knowledge.


1400 €Net

One-time payment

Easy Way to get started with Shopify.
Includes all Features from Starter Package, plus:


3500 €Net

One-time payment

Ideally suited for extensive Use.

Includes all Features from Silver Package, plus:


6000 €Net

One-time payment

Perfect solution for large Companies.
Includes all Features from Gold Package, plus:
Implementation period

Up to 4 Working Days

Up to 1 Week

Up to 4 Weeks

Up to 5 Weeks


Support (up to 1h)

Initial Consultation & Support (up to 2h)

Initial Consultation (up to 2h)
Training (up to 2h)
Support (up to 2h)

Initial Consultation (up to 4h)
Training (up to 4h)
Support (up to 4h)

Shopify License










Template design

Theme Color Changes

Customized Layout Structure of Theme (Homepage, Product List Page, Product Details Page, About Us and Contact Us)

Customized Layout Structure of Theme as per the Client Requirement (up to 15 Pages)

Customized Layout Structure of Theme as per the Client Requirement (up to 30 Pages)

Data Import & Content

csv Import: up to 100 Simple Products (without Variants)
Upload of up to 5 Blog Articles

csv Import: up to 400 Simple Products (without Variants) and 100 Products with Variants
Upload of up to 10 Blog Articles

csv Import: up to 1000 Simple Products (without Variants) and 250 Products with Variants
Upload of up to 20 Blog Articles

Shipping Configuation
Tax Rate Configuration
Payment Configuration

Setup Shopify Payments

Setup Shopify Payments

Setup Shopify Payments

All Email Template

Adjusted Design as per Theme

Adjusted Design as per Theme


Google Analytics

Google Search Console
Facebook Pixel
Focus Keywords (up to 4 Suggestions)
Term Research (up to 4 Focus Keywords)

Focus Keywords (up to 8 Suggestions)
Term Research (up to 8 Focus Keywords)

Online Marketing

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Shop
Google Merchant Center

Email Marketing

Additional App Configuration


Up to 3 Apps

Up to 6 Apps

Note: Any additional App configurations and customization is available at extra cost and will be calculated as per requirements.

Still undecided?

Not sure if you have found the right service? No worries, we are here to assist! Just enter your email address to request a free initial consultation.

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+49 30 863 232 940

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