Pay For Clicks That Count!
Pay-Per-Click or PPC is one of the most significant models of online marketing that is suitable for both small and big businesses.
E-commerce advertising is crucial for eCommerce businesses as it is easily scalable, provides a healthy Return On Investment, and is backed by data.
Ingold Solutions, a Google Ad partner, designs your eCommerce PPC management plans that drive results.
How does PPC for eCommerce Work?

PPC for eCommerce is quite simple with a few steps that need to be followed to launch a campaign successfully:

Creation of ads

Ad content for eCommerce PPC Campaigns is typically smaller in size with a headline and a few lines of ad copy. In some cases, an image is added as well. In case, you just deal with Google Ads Platform, you don’t even require an image. All you need to do is add a headline with two lines of ad copy and a link to your landing page.

Selection of keywords

Google Ads PPC model allows you to select the keywords that will trigger your ad. You can select keywords that are related to your business or the products you offer. As and when the users search for those keywords, your ad will appear in front of them.


Once the creation of your ads and selection of your keyword is completed, you can determine how much you want to ‘bid’ to have your ad displayed.

The standard bid may vary depending on the competitiveness of your selected keywords. If it is a profitable, high-volume keyword with many businesses targeting it; you’ll have to pay way more compared to a keyword that has low volume.

This is the reason why thorough keyword research is essential for eCommerce PPC.
Why should you run PPC for eCommerce websites?

PPC is an exceptional way of advertising your eCommerce business. Here are a few reasons why:

It fits perfectly with the ecommerce business model

eCommerce being data-driven, almost its entire business model can be represented by numbers. PPC works well for eCommerce as it fits quite right into the structure. It allows you to comprehensively track your advertising campaigns, right down to the last penny. In addition, the process of optimising an eCommerce store for conversions is quite like optimising a PPC campaign for more clicks.

You decide your budget

When it comes to PPC, it is you, who decides whether you want your campaigns to be small-scale or large-scale. You don’t need a huge budget to get started with eCommerce PPC advertising and reap its benefits. Also, in PPC you don’t need to pay unless you start seeing results, and even then, you can adjust what you spend depending on your requirements.

You can get very specific with your ads

One of the greatest advantages of PPC for eCommerce businesses is that your audience can be intensively targeted. You can choose exactly what you want to advertise and to who you want to target the ads.

The keywords you choose should be related to your product or services so that when a user is searching with words similar to the keywords you are targeting, your ad appears in front of them.

Drive More Revenue With eCommerce PPC

At Ingold Solutions, our team of certified paid search specialists has the expertise to manage cost-effective PPC campaigns for eCommerce clients across the globe. We know the right way to optimise and scale successful advertising campaigns for businesses across industries. If you want to get started with PPC advertising for your eCommerce website, contact us today!

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